
Showing posts from December, 2022

It's finally 2023 - Happy New Year! Here are some exciting AI related tweets & posts of today - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #469

It's finally 2023 - Happy New Year! Here are some exciting AI related tweets of today - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #469

Wrapping Up 2022 - Here's To 2023

Yeah it's eve. 8:14PM currently. This beautiful year will end soon. I love writing about how my life is going on and keep record of memories because I think they are very valuable and will be quite useful in the coming future. Btw i just like the painting below. Not related.  I record my personal life happenings almost every day. And this post is something I want to share online.  This year was better than I expected. Amazing in fact.  Why? You know I always loved Artificial Intelligence, since I was like 13. My Instagram's first photo from 2013 is literally from Terminator. Thanks to a twitter post, which I actually posted on bookmarks. I decided I should catch up to AI progress again. Super thanks to Reddit and me first finding about Transhumanism subreddit then Singularity. Singularity subreddit basically changed my life this year.  I literally read thousands of posts and comments. Followed hundreds of AI related accounts on Twitter. And this was it. I saw AI get

Prediction For 2023 On OpenAI releasing an Automation AI - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #468

Prediction For 2023 On OpenAI releasing an Automation AI - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #468

I don't just see art, movies, shows, anime anymore, I see possibilities for the future

I don't just see art, movies, shows, anime anymore, I see possibilities for the future Just another random thought I am having and this relates to technologies of the future as well. Basically Full Dive VR, Brain Computer Interfaces and advanced AI's.  So like when I see a movie's location and story. I am like this could be replicated by future generative AIs into living breathable virtual worlds. And same applies to shows and Anime, or just art that are historical. Like I am watching Ozark these days, and I am like in future I could ask my highly advanced AI to watch the entire show instantly and replicate it virtually. Make me the main character and everyone else as AI. The world becomes real but virtually which I can engage in. And the story will progress by my actions. I could just live inside it you know. For FDVR BCIs may be used. Or maybe in future we find some other way.  Same i am like with Art from the past. Imagine living in the time when Vikings used to dominate

youChat with their search engine goes live, basically ChatGPT with search engine, is this the future? - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #467

youChat with their search engine goes live, basically ChatGPT with search engine, is this the future? - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #467

Tune-A-Video: One-Shot Tuning of Image Diffusion Models for Text-to-Video Generation - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #466

Tune-A-Video: One-Shot Tuning of Image Diffusion Models for Text-to-Video Generation - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #466

OPT-IML: a new language model from Meta AI with 175B parameters, fine-tuned on 2,000 language tasks - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #465

OPT-IML: a new language model from Meta AI with 175B parameters, fine-tuned on 2,000 language tasks - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #465

Google implementing something like ChatGPT may put millions of people out of their jobs - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #464

Google implementing something like ChatGPT may put millions of people out of their jobs - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #464

Video Games Of The Future (Taking Sword Art Online As Main Example)

Video Games Of The Future (Taking Sword Art Online As Main Example) Even though we are progressing quite fast now compared to decades ago, it still feels there is a lot that needs to be done. And I think about this every single day now because it is kind of my purpose now to see everything progress rapidly and that I get to use all the new technologies that will release in the coming future.  This post is about Gaming. And gaming which combines the use of Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality. And since Sword Art Online is an excellent Anime that is based on Full Dive VR. I thought I'd pick it.  Games currently are large scale and much better looking than decades ago. But it feels like they aren't innovating much anymore, everything feels same now. Only some game companies actually release games that have something new and that blows people's mind. Where the story is great along with graphics. It saddens me deeply that VR is still so underdeveloped. Almost every VR ga

Some Predictions For Next Year (2023) to 2030 (Basically A Note From Present Me To Future Me)

Some Predictions For Next Year (2023) to 2030 (Basically A Note From Present Me To Future Me). As the title says, I am just going to list some things that I think may happen in the coming time. I just want to see how right the current AI tech bros are, including me. If it is really as exponential as we currently think. Because as I watched some prediction videos from the past, we are not always right. And things actually take a lot of time to arrive. This is for 2023 and up to 2030. Things that I think should arrive by 2030 at least. I am not being too optimistic as well. Like some people thought Proto-AGI will be made this year lol. So future me, I know you are reading this. I hope this blog lasts in future, and doesn't get deleted for whatever reason because this is history right here that needs to be preserved.  1. As Point-E Prototype was released and open sourced last night by OpenAI. This is basically DALL-E but for 3D model generation. It is not as impressive as DreamFusion

Meta AI New Paper: Unnatural Instructions - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #465

Meta AI New Paper: Unnatural Instructions - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #465

Scalable Diffusion Models with Transformers - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #464

Scalable Diffusion Models with Transformers - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #464

OpenAI's Point-E Prototype Text to 3D Object Generation - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #463

OpenAI's Point-E Prototype Text to 3D Object Generation - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #463

Custom Diffusion: Multi-Concept Customization of Text-to-Image Diffusion - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #462

Custom Diffusion: Multi-Concept Customization of Text-to-Image Diffusion - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #462

Sam Altman basically talks about Singularity & more about AI Art protests - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #461

Sam Altman basically talks about Singularity & more about AI Art protests - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #461

Presenting Confident Adaptive Language Modeling (CALM) - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #460

Presenting Confident Adaptive Language Modeling (CALM) - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #460

Riffusion, real-time music generation with stable Diffusion - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #459

Riffusion, real-time music generation with stable Diffusion - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #459

OpenAI's New and Improved Embedding Model - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #458

OpenAI's New and Improved Embedding Model - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #458

Emad from Stability AI basically saying current AI Art debate is useless - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #457

Emad from Stability AI basically saying current AI Art debate is useless - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #457

My thoughts on people trying to BAN AI ART/Models

Just sharing my feelings about this current situation... See, I have always respected artists. I literally love them for what they do, putting so much effort and it is just amazing to see what kind of wonders they create. I have spent hours and hours looking at them, particularly digital science fiction art because it is my most favorite. My life's entire purpose is to see humanity progress rapidly and AI is a major part of it. Like it has been literally my own dream since I was like 13 or probably younger. 2022 has been such an amazing year for me to see such exponential progress in AI. AI Art is here. And of course artists are mad because they are afraid it will take their jobs. This is literally the point of AI and singularity though. I don't wanna go deep about it. I don't care about what anyone thinks about anything, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. You can hate AI Art or love it. It is okay. Like cool. And I have been okay too seeing thousands o

Introducing Imagine 3D: a new way to create 3D with text - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #456

Introducing Imagine 3D: a new way to create 3D with text - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #456

Introducing the Robotics Transformer 1, a multi-task model that tokenizes robot inputs and outputs actions to enable efficient inference at runtime - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #455

Introducing the Robotics Transformer 1, a multi-task model that tokenizes robot inputs and outputs actions to enable efficient inference at runtime - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #455

Data2vec 2.0: Highly efficient self-supervised learning for vision, speech and text - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #454

Data2vec 2.0: Highly efficient self-supervised learning for vision, speech and text - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #454

Introducing Dramatron, a new tool for writers to co-write theatre and film scripts with a language model - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #453

Introducing Dramatron, a new tool for writers to co-write theatre and film scripts with a language model - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #453

SINE: SINgle Image Editing with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #452

SINE: SINgle Image Editing with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #452

How can we figure out if what a language model says is true, even when human evaluators can’t easily tell? - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #451

How can we figure out if what a language model says is true, even when human evaluators can’t easily tell? - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #451

DEEPMIND AlphaCode - the first AI system to write computer programs at a human level in competitions - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #450

DEEPMIND AlphaCode - the first AI system to write computer programs at a human level in competitions - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #450

A Generalist Neural Algorithmic Learner (DEEPMIND) - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #449

A Generalist Neural Algorithmic Learner (DEEPMIND) - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #449

OpenAI Whisper V2 released - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #448

OpenAI Whisper V2 released - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #448

Pretrained Diffusion Models for Unified Human Motion Synthesis - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #447

Pretrained Diffusion Models for Unified Human Motion Synthesis - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #447

I want Cyberpunk worlds like this, doesn't matter virtual or real - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #446

I want Cyberpunk worlds like this, doesn't matter virtual or real - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #446 If it is virtual, experiencing it in full dive vr or close to it will be a dream come true. Art by @ttguweiz on twitter 

2023 is going to be a huge year for AI & More! - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #445

2023 is going to be a huge year for AI & More! - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #445

Stable Diffusion 2.1 released - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #444

Stable Diffusion 2.1 released - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #444

Will You Find These Shortcuts? (Google AI) - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #443

Will You Find These Shortcuts? (Google AI) - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #443

AI Internet Is Coming, 2023 will be crazy - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #442

AI Internet Is Coming, 2023 will be crazy - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #442

Negotiation and honesty in artificial intelligence methods for the board game of Diplomacy (DEEPMIND) - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #441

Negotiation and honesty in artificial intelligence methods for the board game of Diplomacy (DEEPMIND) - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #441