
Showing posts from April, 2022

Human Stupidity. How stupid society can be?

Human Stupidity. How stupid society can be? I have been observing all my life, people, how they live and behave like. And it's crazy to think that I have come across so many stupid people in my life. I am in contact with people like these everyday, even in my home. And when I go outside, like in school or college, or on the streets and places. Life can be so easy you know, but these people make it so complicated. Right now as I am writing this, I am seeing my brother being so stupid it hurts my brain. This article I am writing is basically about hate. How much I hate the society. I always hated it, but I am more aware of it now. Just a few days ago my thinking was that people were more wise and knowledgeable in the past, and people of present are getting dumber. I think it is true to some extent but then I realized that in the books of history, we mostly read about the great people. Who would like to read a book describing lives of foolish people? Social media has broug

Live Dangerously! - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #153

Live Dangerously! - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #153 via yt channel Eternalised 

To deny darkness is to deny half of oneself - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #152

To deny darkness is to deny half of oneself - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #152 via yt channel Eternalised 

The balance of Light & Dark (Indian Gods) - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #151

The balance of Light & Dark (Indian Gods) - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #151 via yt channel Eternalised 

I would like to be a butterfly - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #150

I would like to be a butterfly - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #150

Am I seeing things during Meditation or it is just my imagination? - My Meditation Experience Update #1

Am I seeing things during Meditation or it is just my imagination? - My Meditation Experience Update #1 So last night I was meditating which has become a habit now. I am still new and not so good at it, as I have mentioned before that I get distracted a lot by my sudden body itching during Meditation. But I still feel great and at one point I was like I should keep doing it and don't stop. I thought let's try meditation with music now. I opened Spotify and played a random track for meditation. After some time I started noticing different things. Like: 1. Eyes, multiple times. Probably of a woman, not completely sure 2. Snake, multiple times in different forms 3. A straight blue line omitting light 4. Flower (shaped like lotus but also different) multiple times.  and more things I forgot. I should have taken note.  These things I saw suddenly came in my vision, without thinking of it. So I doubt if it was my imagination. Now if you think of a horse, you will see a horse in your

misery that keeps going on - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #149

misery that keeps going on - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #149 via yt channel Eternalised 

For every wish that is satisfied... - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #148

For every wish that is satisfied... - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #148 via yt channel Eternalised 

The closer you are to the truth - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #147

The closer you are to the truth - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #147

Nothing in life is to be feared - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #146

Nothing in life is to be feared - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #146

That's why you should write - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #145

That's why you should write - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #145

To Change Yourself - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #144

To Change Yourself - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #144

I have recently started to do Meditation - My Experience So Far...

I have recently started to do Meditation - My Experience So Far... I think it's been more than a week now since I started. After reading so much about it and knowing the benefits of it, I thought I should give it a try.  I have tried doing it in past but I always stopped after a day or two. Things are different now, I am different now. The best time for me to Meditate is actually night before sleeping on bed. Because this is the time when it is the most peaceful and quiet at my home.  I have tried breathing meditation, but I found sound meditation working better for me. The sound I focus on is of either my fan or Air Conditioner. I am no good though, I get lost in thoughts a lot and get distracted. The thing that distracts me the most is sudden itching when I try to Meditate. Like when I am not doing it, it doesn't happen much. But when I medidate, it is like every part of my body becomes active and starts itching one by one. This I think is a proof that it is worki

Meaning for Suffering - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #143

Meaning for Suffering - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #143

Why I think Elon Musk is the most important person alive currently.

Why I think Elon Musk is the most important person alive currently. I think I first noticed Elon Musk properly back in 2017. I forgot what it actually was about, but It probably must be about SpaceX or Tesla. The more I read about him, the more he inspired me. And I couldn't believe such a person actually exists who is making my dreams come true slowly. Yes my dreams, ever since I was little I dreamed about the future. A future that is science fiction as of now, but the reality is getting closer to it every day now. Just some years ago before the pandemic (2020) I mostly saw people praising Elon and appreciating what he is doing for humanity. But I don't know what happened suddenly. The world changed as Coronavirus came. I sometimes feel all this is a simulation for real. I started seeing more and more people hating on Elon. I couldn't understand. Media was constantly posting stuff that made people think Elon is some kind of villain. Every little mistake of him

What's a God to a Non-believer? - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #142

What's a God to a Non-believer? - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #142

Your Melancholic Solitude - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #141

Your Melancholic Solitude - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #141

"To be alone is the fate of all great minds" - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #140

"To be alone is the fate of all great minds" - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #140

It's beautiful to be alone - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #139

It's beautiful to be alone - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #139

Beautiful example of Non-Duality - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #138

Beautiful example of Non-Duality - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #138 via reddit user ericputkonen

Eternity looking at itself. What does it feel like? - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #137

Eternity looking at itself. What does it feel like? - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #137

What happens after death - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #136

What happens after death - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #136 via yt channel Eternalised 

I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions of years before I was born. - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #135

I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions of years before I was born. - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #135

I hate school & college exams - It makes me hate learning!

 I hate school & college exams - It makes me hate learning!  This is more like a rant, because I have found that writing about something actually releases stress lol. So my exams are about to start, and I am at the same point again. History repeats itself. I have been enjoying a lot reading about philosophical topics in the last two months and also some other ones. It has been great, it is like I found my passion now, thirst for knowledge. The more I know, the better I feel. I thought I would feel the same towards studying for exams too. But I found that there is a difference between learning and studying. When I try to study for exams, I just hate it. I get distracted, I cannot focus. It is like I am being force to do this, which is kind of true. When I think that I am studying all this just to give exams and compete with others, it just makes me angry.  I am doing it for the marks, exams makes us do rot learning and memorization. It judges us according to the grade points we get.

Losing one's Persona through solitude - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #134

Losing one's Persona through solitude - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #134

Five More Minutes To Live - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #133

Five More Minutes To Live - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #133 via yt channel: Eternalised 

Youtube Channels I Love & Will Recommend - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #132

Channels I Love & Will Recommend - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #132 All these channels listed here are for educational purposes, mainly philosophy. I created this to keep track lol.  1. Academy of Ideas 2. Freedom in Thought 3. Einzelgänger 4. TED Talks Channels 5. VSauce  6. The School of Life  7. Aperture 8. Eternalised 

I might be suffering from the fear of being average - My Thoughts!

I might be suffering from the fear of being average. I'm not completely sure. But I feel like it. Ever since I was little, I wanted a different kind of life from everyone. When I was younger I wanted fame and money because I saw all these celebrities living their life. I thought that these people are making the most of their lives. They don't have to do a boring 9 to 5 job everyday and have to worry about supporting themselves. They can have family and it still won't change things. I didn't know how to phrase it before, but what I actually thought was that money is the key to all freedom. Money makes you free in this world. If you have money, you can do anything you want. Focus on your goals and hobbies, go whereever you want,eat anything, meet amazing people and so much more. Fame is just addition to it. Because if you are popular, the chances of you meeting important figures is more. But fame has its downsides too I know.  But what I am talking here is avo

If you think you know a lot about a certain topic, write about it!

 If you think you know a lot about a certain topic, write about it!  There are certain points in life when you think you know quite a lot about a certain topic or multiple topics. And it just stays inside your head, but when you are given the opportunity to talk about it, you usually forget some points or maybe realize that you actually don't know as much as you thought.  But I personally feel that if you write about it, there are more chances that you will actually remember more, as when you write, you take time to think before you actually write about it. Speaking to someone is quite different, we just say whatever comes instantly in our mind through thoughts, without actually thinking much about it.  Writing is a good activity, it is the medium by which you can release your thoughts (or knowledge). It also tells you how much you actually know about something. Like for example I think I know about the concepts of Artificial Intelligence. And it just stays inside my mind. When I w

My response to a Charles Bukowski quote about working for others - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #131

My response to a Charles Bukowski quote about working for others - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #131 I'm not saying everyone should just have this kind of life. By working hard enough (given the opportunities) you can make your life much better. But you will still have to suffer for it. Unless you are lucky. 

i stop thinking, swim in silence - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #130

i stop thinking, swim in silence - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #130

when we have nothing, we have art - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #129

when we have nothing, we have art - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #129

I'll say the world is better, but people are worse - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #128

I'll say the world is better, but people are worse - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #128

when we read, another person thinks for us - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #127

when we read, another person thinks for us - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #127

Our current school education system is absurd - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #126

Our current school education system is absurd - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #126 via yt channel: academy of ideas 

School is a prison - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #125

School is a prison - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #125

They hate the lonely one - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #124

They hate the lonely one - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #124

Face your loneliness - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #123

Face your loneliness - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #123

Lex Fridman is such a wonderful human being - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #122

Lex Fridman is such a wonderful human being - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #122

The one who never gets disappointed - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #121

The one who never gets disappointed - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #121

The pinnacle of Envy - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #120

The pinnacle of Envy - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #120

The greatness of solitude & being different - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #119

The greatness of solitude & being different - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #119

Pain is meant to wake us up - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #118

Pain is meant to wake us up - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #118