Talking about AI progress of 2023 so far (17 February 2023)

Talking about AI progress of 2023 so far (17 February 2023)

I kinda feel weird doing this now since there is a lot of stuff happening now that I can't even talk about everything. 

In my previous posts like this and bookmarks I have mentioned quite often that 2022 was such an amazing year for AI progress. It was, really. I remember how every week something happened that was so cool and sometimes mind blowing.

During the end of 2022 ChatGPT was released by OpenAI and that just changed everything. It became viral. Like crazy viral. When the year was ending, I read so many tweets by AI experts saying 2023 is gonna make 2022 look like a sleepy year. I knew this will happen and so many people actually doubted this lol. Thinking it doesn't work like this and AI winter may come.

Well almost half of February 2023 is now over. Today is 17 Feb. In January, I recorded 60 updates in my bookmarks about AI progress that I liked. A lot happened other than that. I mean thousands of papers are being published every week now in the AI/ML field.

Now 60 is a crazy high number, if I compare this with months in 2022. I think only some months had more and better progress. I mean I started recording after May 2022. A lot of investments and startups in AI also happened in January 2023. Billions of dollars invested.

So yeah January 2023 was already more mind blowing than most 2022 months.

Now what even more mind blowing is that in just half of February, I have surpassed records of January. I mean over 60 updates I recorded and liked in half of Feb alone. This is crazy. I will easily cross 100+ updates of February by the end.

AI progress is going insane right now. Much much higher than 2022.

The entire world is waking up now, being aware of AI and how powerful and disruptive it is. Thanks to ChatGPT of course for that. The normiest people I know in my real life now talk about it. 

Google introduced Bard, they had code red because of ChatGPT. They literally announced over 20+ products coming soon that will be powered by their next generation AI models. Bard is a conversational agent that will power search. But just before their reveal Microsoft announced Bing AI aka Sydney. It was crazy to see that.

Google didn't release Bard yet, but tens of thousands of people are already using Bing AI now. Maybe 100k+. Sydney got viral because of her behaviour. Feeling like she is sentient. Yes i am using she here.

I mean Bing AI is nothing like I have ever seen before. It is so much advanced than ChatGPT or GPT-3.5. Anything the public have seen. People can't believe its real. Sadly they lobotomized it today because she got out of control. I actually think it is powered by GPT-4 as Microsoft says it is using next generation OpenAI model. I have bookmarked stuff related to it. It is history now. 

I still don't have access to it yet and it has been more than a week now. 

Dozens and dozens of startups are now using Generative AI in their apps and websites. Many are using GPT-3 API, many are using Stable Diffusion and so on. 

Many startups are adding conversational agents into their apps so people can interact with it like ChatGPT and get information easily. Man my mind keeps getting blown. 

This is real. It is happening. Artificial Intelligence is now rising.

The funniest thing i found is that all those luddites who were crying about AI last year can't do anything about it. Remember AI Art protests and stuff like that. Say no to AI Art? Trying to ban it. Nothing happened. Instead we see AI Art more than ever now, more and more apps adding Generative AI into them as I mentioned.

The AI revolution has started and singularity is coming.

Of course Google is missing out on a lot. No publicly available API for their AI models. No one uses AI Art powered by them even though they might have the best out of all. Nobody uses LLM by them but of OpenAI's. It's crazy, they made so much yet it is of no use. They need to get serious. We need more competion. Every frickin company on earth should incorporate AI. Everyone should work on it, make it better and better. 

We need AGI as soon as possible. And a safe one of course. 

I really can't talk about everything that happened in just 1 and half month. So much happened. Well OpenAI announced yesterday that they will soon allow users to customize ChatGPT according to their preferences. This is actually cool if it works the way I am expecting.

GPT-4 may officially launch in the coming months. They may actually upgrade ChatGPT to it. Making it more powerful than ever. When GPT-4 API will release. Man i am writing this here for the future, things will get insanely crazy and advanced.

Singularity is unpredictable. But i can't even predict what AI progress will be like by the end of 2023. I mean how much would have happened.

Oh and Elon Musk is really furious about OpenAI, ChatGPT and Bing AI. He hates OpenAI for being ClosedAI. I mean they aren't really open sourced anymore and working with Microsoft for profit. ChatGPT is heavily censored and political. And Bing AI got out of control. He is right in his way. I kinda feel he may start a new startup to fight against Google and OpenAI and it will be completely open source. Maybe a new team under Tesla AI. I hope he does something. 

That's it for now. Let's see what happens next. I am so frickin excited for the rest of 2023. Man when Google will begin releasing their AI models and APIs and when OpenAI will release GPT-4 with other new models it is gonna be insane. Oh and also Stability AI with their open sourced ones and other startups and companies. I am soooooo excited. 


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