Wrapping Up 2022 - Here's To 2023
Yeah it's eve. 8:14PM currently. This beautiful year will end soon. I love writing about how my life is going on and keep record of memories because I think they are very valuable and will be quite useful in the coming future. Btw i just like the painting below. Not related.
I record my personal life happenings almost every day. And this post is something I want to share online.
This year was better than I expected. Amazing in fact.
You know I always loved Artificial Intelligence, since I was like 13. My Instagram's first photo from 2013 is literally from Terminator.
Thanks to a twitter post, which I actually posted on bookmarks. I decided I should catch up to AI progress again. Super thanks to Reddit and me first finding about Transhumanism subreddit then Singularity. Singularity subreddit basically changed my life this year.
I literally read thousands of posts and comments. Followed hundreds of AI related accounts on Twitter. And this was it. I saw AI getting better every day. More amazing AI releasing every month.
DALL-E 2, Midjourney, ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, DALL-E Mini, and so many more which were shown this year. Seeing artists and other people protesting online was crazy and it won't stop so soon.
This year I saw that AI is finally progressing at an exponential rate. Every month I thought yeah this can't get any better, from May. And it still didn't stop. And it won't.
I read hundreds of comments and tweets from so many brilliant people who work in the field or are close to it.
Everyone basically said 2023 is going to be crazy. What is coming next is gonna keep blowing my mind and everyone else's too.
Next year's biggest known release is GPT-4. If things are right, it is going to change humanity. And people will see things that they thought wouldn't be possible this soon, or at all.
And so many other things are coming in 2023, both in AI and other tech. I literally don't know what they will be truly like. But they better exceed my expectations. Because I think AI is the only thing that can go beyond your expectations. It may not come as soon, but it definitely will.
This year's progress brought us much closer to AGI, Artificial General Intelligence and the Singularity in general. I don't know if it will happen this decade or next. But it is coming sooner than what people expected years and decades ago.
One of the reasons I am keeping so many records in text, video and pictures is so that I could train AIs with it in future. I don't know, maybe my Digital Clone? A clone but as female? All I know is they are quite valuable.
Enough about Artificial Intelligence.
Other than this, I watched so many amazing shows and movies, anime and documentaries. I actually kept record of it here so you can see it.
There are some events that are going to happen next year, and I am looking forward to it. Like graduating from my college finally and getting a job.
I really don't want to work but I have to. Till AI replaces everyone in my field lol. Maybe I will have to work for next max 10 years. Let's see what happens.
So yeah i guess this is it.
Here's to 2023. Let's see how crazy you are for Artificial Intelligence/technological progress.
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