Prediction: Text to VR Diffusion where VR worlds are generated from Text in real-time - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #438

Prediction: Text to VR Diffusion where VR worlds are generated from Text in real-time - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #438

I think this will come as soon as next year, since the time it takes to generate images are getting lower. Soon we will be able to generate images in real time, that will unlock video and even VR. Imagine typing a prompt and it generates a Cyberpunk world for you. You can move around and it will feel like a game but you are inside it, maybe even better. Maybe even interact with objects like a typical game allows us to do. Just frickin imagine dude, this will change everything. We will be able to generate any kind of VR world. It is mind blowing to think. And this update made me realise it is coming sooner than expected.


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