Prediction For 2030 - Stable Diffusion For AR & ChatGPT for communication - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #435

Prediction For 2030 - Stable Diffusion For AR & ChatGPT for communication - PrO_RaZe Bookmarks #435

Another great tweet that blew my mind and got me thinking. I already made a bookmark before talking about SD for VR in future since distilled Stable Diffusion 2.0 is coming, reducing waiting times up to 20x giving near real time generations. 

Now this for AR is a whole different breed, what this will be able to do is transform your real world into literally anything. As it says on the tweet. Real time inpainting can be used to replace anything in real life with anything. And other features can transform everything you see. It is like living in real life but you see what you want to see. Like living in a typical city but you see everything in Cyberpunk Aesthetic. Through AR you can see huge skyscrapers, neon lights, flying cars, etc. Even people in cyberpunk style. The world is definitely not ready for this right now. But wow. This is literally mind blowing. Before AR glasses you will see this through your smartphone and tablet screens. And obviously normal videos can be converted to look like anything and that in real-time. No waiting times. 

I'm not really that interested in the ChatGPT part. But I am sure it will have amazing stuff too in the future. 


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