What if everyone became incredibly intelligent with high IQ? Relating with Iron Man comic (Iron God)

What if everyone became incredibly intelligent with high IQ? Relating with Iron Man comic (Iron God)

I just finished another issue of the recent Iron Man comic. And now Iron Man is Iron God. I loved him so much since I was young, thanks to MCU and later I read a lot of his comics. Tony Stark is incredibly attractive to me with everything he does, I find him relatable.

In this issue, screenshots attached above. Tony gives every person living in NYC his genius level intellect.

What happens next was crazy to read, people became incredibly smart suddenly. There entire thinking process changed, their attitude and behavior. They made so many amazing inventions and innovations in a short period of time.

Both GOOD and BAD people. Good people made the world better, Bad people found better ways to do worse. It created chaos.

And it made me think, what if everyone suddenly became smart on our planet. With IQs averaging 200. What kind of world will we have? A better one or worse? It is a sad fact that both smart and not so smart people keep the balance in the world, the rich and the poor. That's how the system works. What I mean by that, is that a very smart successful person runs a trillion dollar company and an average poor person works for him. That is how the company runs. Without labor it won't be possible. If everyone becomes a genius, they will most likely quit jobs they think aren't worth doing and will dedicate their life to extensive research, progress or do entrepreneurship. But there will definitely be shortage of labor. 

Unless we live in the far future and labor is replaced by machines.

If everyone became smart, the level of technological progress and other kinds of innovations will be mind blowing. We will do things never possible before. But it will be for both good and bad.

Although the comic goes according to how the writer wants, I wonder if this happened in reality... What kind of world we would have. A world where everyone is a Genius Level thinker.

If everything goes right this will one day become a reality, but true it won't happen in a day like it happened in the comics.

Just imagine what would happen after Artificial Super Intelligence will be created and Singularity will happen. And a world where we will enhance our brain with machines or become machines. A time when we can simply download information in our brain.

I think anything that happens suddenly can go wrong but if that happens slowly over time, it can be good.

I'm with Tony Stark here, just disagree on him making it suddenly.

I wonder if Twitter will become boring? Or more annoying? I think genius does not equal to having wisdom. Or is it? 


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