Is a perfect Utopia a boring place to live? - My Thoughts

My imagination is running wild lately as I have started imagining whole worlds now. But that's personal.

I was just thinking about Utopia, a perfect or near perfect place where everything is basically good. No problems, no struggles or anything. Maybe what I am actually thinking about should not be considered Utopia but I'll just name it that for a lack of better word.

So imagine a place where you can do anything you want, get anything you want, you don't have to work anymore, think about any problems, have stress about anything or anyone and so on. You can even be immortal and live as long as you want. It's a perfect life everyone dreams of.

But is it that good? See on Earth as humans we live, we suffer, good times come, bad times come, we make memories and experiences and one day we die. We have a purpose in life, to move forward and to have a great life to fulfill our goals.

Lets take one goal: You want a life where you have a beautiful loving wife and two beautiful children. You want the best for them and just want everything great to happen. But you have to go to jobs, spend most time working (as an average human) so that you could afford that life.

There comes many problems in your life, fights even happen. Isn't that what makes life?

Isn't suffering a necessary thing? Suffering makes you grow, it teaches you and makes you a better person. You make mistakes and that's how you learn from them. You feel pain and then you know the importance of joy.

When you have a terrible time going on, you wait for the good days to come when it will be over. So you know the importance of good days. And so you learn to make the most of it and to not take it for granted. 

You earn money to buy bread so you can eat it. You want chicken to eat so you save for it, you have a goal. A purpose. A purpose that motivates you to keep going. 

Isn't all these little things make life worth living and makes us human?

Isn't our living days as we age makes us realize that our life is getting over, so we should live more as much as the time is left. 


The world I imagine is free of all that. It's a world where you can do anything you want as you want. What will that life truly be like? 

Will that life be worth living? 

I wonder of the Gods (if they exist), how their life must be like. I know that sounds absurd, because they are Gods and well you get it. Time is nothing to them, they are everything. They CAN do everything. They know everything and see everything. 

What it is like to know it all? If I as a person, as a human would be like that. I wonder how I would feel. To be eternal. 

But Gods cannot be compared to mortal beings. They are just built different lol. 

For me, to live life is to know about new things, to explore things as much as possible. To experience things. I want to see as much as I can in my life. It truly makes me happy. But I imagine when If I see everything in the universe (or Multiverse). Everything possible till the end of time, would I still want to live? 

Relating this to my topic, Utopia. Humans are constantly progressing and moving to new levels. We are trying to solve as many problems as we can, also creating new ones in the process in the hope to make everything better. If we don't destroy ourselves in the process or it happens naturally, we will reach a point in time when we will reach an Utopian stage of civilization. Or maybe close to that. 

Hell we won't even be humans anymore, see Transhumanism. I feel like people would live real life less, and spend more time on virtual worlds where they have a purpose or target to achieve. Like virtual games. Maybe I am completely wrong, but it's 12:20am midnight now and I should go to sleep. 

But I really want to see it all... 


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