I have recently started to do Meditation - My Experience So Far...

I have recently started to do Meditation - My Experience So Far...

I think it's been more than a week now since I started. After reading so much about it and knowing the benefits of it, I thought I should give it a try. 

I have tried doing it in past but I always stopped after a day or two. Things are different now, I am different now.

The best time for me to Meditate is actually night before sleeping on bed. Because this is the time when it is the most peaceful and quiet at my home. 

I have tried breathing meditation, but I found sound meditation working better for me. The sound I focus on is of either my fan or Air Conditioner.

I am no good though, I get lost in thoughts a lot and get distracted. The thing that distracts me the most is sudden itching when I try to Meditate. Like when I am not doing it, it doesn't happen much. But when I medidate, it is like every part of my body becomes active and starts itching one by one.

This I think is a proof that it is working to some extent. I have read that we should not try to block thoughts or anything while in mediation but simply be. Just let whatever is coming, let it flow. Try to focus on your breath or sound too. But don't stress too much or put too much effort.

Not putting effort at all, or let's say doing nothing is meditation. Meditation is the art of doing nothing. It is simply to be. Be in the moment.

I am sure after some time my mind will become more clear, and less thoughts will come. Maybe itching problem will be gone too.

Today I tried Gazing meditation as well. I turned off lights, lit a candle and focused on it for some time. I focused at a single point and it was quite nice.

But my goal is to reach the height of being in the meditation state. The moment where I don't think about anything at all. The moment when my consciousness reaches new levels. 

I want to find more about myself. About my consciousness or mind. I think if I take proper control over it, something great will happen to me.

Silence is beautiful, I knew it always but at the same time I was dumb and I was ignorant of it. I have seen actual changes happening to me recently. And I want to keep moving forward now.

There is a lot to see. 

I want to reach the stage when I can proudly say, yes meditation can change your life. And it is already showing results slowly. Peace. 


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