I hate school & college exams - It makes me hate learning!
I hate school & college exams - It makes me hate learning!
This is more like a rant, because I have found that writing about something actually releases stress lol. So my exams are about to start, and I am at the same point again. History repeats itself. I have been enjoying a lot reading about philosophical topics in the last two months and also some other ones. It has been great, it is like I found my passion now, thirst for knowledge. The more I know, the better I feel.
I thought I would feel the same towards studying for exams too. But I found that there is a difference between learning and studying. When I try to study for exams, I just hate it. I get distracted, I cannot focus. It is like I am being force to do this, which is kind of true. When I think that I am studying all this just to give exams and compete with others, it just makes me angry.
I am doing it for the marks, exams makes us do rot learning and memorization. It judges us according to the grade points we get. And this system just sucks. It demotivates me, I chose this degree by my own interest, but I don't even have interest when it comes to studying for exams.
If I would do it with pure interest, without having to give exams. I would actually love to do it. I can clear my concepts about various topics, but it doesn't really work like that. For that I will have to memorize so that I can write according to the 6 marks questions, or 20 marks question. I will have to memorize it so that I can cover all the points.
See I am not a smart person, I am not someone who will read something once and remember every part of it. I can understand it but I can't remember everything. This is where memorizing it comes.
I will memorize it today, give exams tomorrow and forget it the day after. What is the point? Why I am even doing it? Our education system is bad. And I hate Indian Education System, but this is the story of pretty much the entire world I think. Some countries may have better system.
I wish there was no grade system, and focus was on clearing concepts not filling up 20 pages. I find it very useless.
I think there must be better ways to measure learning. Our education system pretty much create factory workers, as I have read on the web. I also read how advanced the education system of Finland is. I wish the entire world was like that. I also read how people who were homeschooled perform much better than those who attended school from early age. School ruins us. It shatters our dreams. It makes us loathe education.
Now you might be thinking I probably should study instead of writing all this. You are right. I think I should try again. Writing this isn't gonna get me passed. These days will be over soon.
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